The camp emek Experience

Emek campers experience great adventures, build wonderful friendships, take risks, and have a blast. Every moment at camp is under the guidance of experienced, outstanding Rebbeim and fun loving and responsible counselors. Campers will have the summer of a lifetime in a Torah true environment.

Looking forward to 2024

At Camp Emek, you’ll join in on the activities you love, experience new and exciting adventures,, build confidence and character, learn to work together to solve problems and overcome challenges. The full experience is indescribably wonderful!!

do you have questions?

If you have any questions just let us know. Whether about our camp, registration, guidelines and handbook or just normal “parent-type” questions, we are happy to answer them. We look forward to hearing from you!

Be Part of the

7 WEEKS of

Join us for an Awesome
Summer Fun & Friendships!

First 30 Campers to Enroll
receive a $10 Canteen Credit!

Looking forward to the Summer of 2024

Rabbi Moshe Tropper, Director
Rabbi Dovid Morris, Assistant Director